Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Introducing... "SPEED TICKET BUSTER"

"SPEED TICKET BUSTER" walks you through the steps of beating your ticket. It's so simple, my 8-year-old son read it and said he could handle it, no problem! The format is so easy you can even read it out loud in court as a "cheat sheet!"

Awesome! I got my ticket dismissed and just paid a few dollars for court costs. Last time I got a speeding ticket, I hired a lawyer and it cost me almost $600. Your book saved me a ton of money. This book is awesome and I will definitely use it for any tickets I get in the future.

Joseph Billman - Ohio

WARNING: If You Buy Into The Following Myths About Speeding Tickets, You'll End Up Paying Through The Nose!

There are tons of myths out there about speeding tickets, because most people get nailed and they don't really understand how the whole process works. So let me debunk a few of them...

  • "I wasn't speeding so the officer can't lie about it"—WRONG! If you're in a group of speeders, that cop will say you were the only one and the court will believe him.
  • "There's a mistake on my ticket so I win, right?"—WRONG! It has to be a material mistake, or one that matters. If it's just a wrong digit in your license plate, or a misspelling of your name, that doesn't matter.
  • "I can get my case postponed hoping the officer won't show up"—THIS WON'T WORK, eventually he WILL show up...and meanwhile, you'll just stress about it.
  • "I'll claim I had to speed because it was important"—WRONG, you'd better have a passenger who's near death to plead that one and make it work!
  • "I'll ask for defensive driving/traffic school"—OK, and you'll pay the court fees, the course fee, and then you're still out money! Why do all that when I can get you OUT of it?
  • "I can question the officer and get him to mess up"—Oh really, when he goes to court all the time and you don't? How are you going to do that? And who does the court trust more—the officer, or you?

Don't think tricks will work in court, they don't...they just make judges mad.

Getting out of a ticket can be done but it takes good, sound legal reasoning and knowing case precendents. That's what succeeds, and I can show you all that, step by step!

Think You Know What A Trial Is Like?

Here's How A Typical One Goes:
Officer Joe is sworn in. He then...

  • IDs you and your car.
  • Swears under oath that he clocked you going 70 in a 55 zone.
  • Swears under oath that he tested his radar gun several different ways

It gets better...

  • We also find out that Officer Joe has been on the force for 8 years, has received several awards, and was recently recertified with the latest and greatest radar gun.
  • The prosecutor rests and smiles, knowing he's got you!

But this is your opportunity, if you know what to do...

You get to ask Officer Joe some questions.

If you've got "SPEED TICKET BUSTER," you know what to do!

You've got relevant case laws right at your fingertips and you know what to say and what to ask.

Once the prosecutor knows that you know the law, he'll move for dismissal.


  • It's not a bag of "tricks."
  • It's not some random collection of advice from Uncle Bob.
  • It's not hocus-pocus.
  • It's not anything based on somebody's opinion of what might work

What it IS is the facts on relevant case laws and some very specific things you need to do and say.

Can You Handle This? Heck Yeah, If You Can Read A Page Out Loud, Then You Can Use "SPEED TICKET BUSTER" To Get Out of That Ticket!"

Here's what you DON'T need:

  • A law school education.
  • Anything memorized.
  • Witnesses.
  • Photos.
  • Recordings.
  • Other gimmicks.

That stuff doesn't work. What you need is a step-by-step plan, and that's what I'm giving you.

They don't expect you to fight...and that's what I'm going to show you how to do, step by step!

Facts are facts. In a court of law, evidence and case laws are what counts.

So that's what I'm going to give you. You'll get everything you need to totally dismantle the prosecution's case against you.

Even though the judge would love to strip you of your money, he'll have to dismiss your case. And that means you get to keep ALL your money!

But there are a few things "SPEED TICKET BUSTER" won't do for you...

  • "SPEED TICKET BUTSER" is for speeding. It won't help you if you were racing, passing improperly, or DUI.
  • "SPEED TICKET BUSTER" isn't for photo, airplane, or VASCAR tickets, as those require different strategies.
  • "SPEED TICKET BUSTER" does not work if you run across one of those rare "kangaroo courts" where the judge or magistrate doesn't care about the law. But if you're in one of those, you'd still lose even with a $1,000/hour lawyer. We will, however, provide you with the basis for an appeal.
  • "SPEED TICKET BUSTER" is not legal advice—it's legal information. Legal advice is unique to your specific situation, legal info is general info. If you want legal advice, pay an attorney.
  • "SPEED TICKET BUSTER" is for the USA only—it's based on US law, so it may not work in other countries.

What Are Real People Just Like You Saying About "SPEED TICKET BUSTER?"

Speed Ticket Buster is the best, the tip on page 14 got me right out of my speeding ticket. I was in court for less than 5 minutes before the judge ruled in my favor.

Sarah Wasnot - California

OK, I'm nearly done, but let me make you aware of one thing...if you're charged with speeding, you only have 4 things you can do:

  1. Pay up, both the ticket AND higher insurance costs.
  2. Pay an expensive lawyer and hope you win.
  3. Try to figure something else out.
  4. Invest in "SPEED TICKET BUSTER."

if you've read this far, you know that #4 is the only real option if you don't want to pay out the wazoo for nothing.

Still Not Convinced? Need A Guarantee? You Got It!

My 100% Ironclad Take-it-to-the-Bank Guarantee
If you order "SPEED TICKET BUSTER," and you open it up and don't like what you see, I will refund 100% of your money, no questions asked!

How fair is THAT?

You're not going to just give up and fork over your hard-earned money, are you?

Oh, sure, if you're a big CEO and you're making something like $1,000 an hour, you can afford to pay speeding tickets...but when I think about forking over $850 or so, it makes my blood boil. Don't you feel the same?

But wait, you say you'll hire an attorney?

You won't save money. In fact, you're guaranteed to spend it, since you have to pay him or her whether you win or lose. Big deal, right?

So How Much Is Your Investment In

Well first, let's make sure we compare apples to apples...

If you were to hire an attorney to get you out of this ticket, he'd charge you about $300 per hour for 6 hours work, which would total up to $1,800. But because I've been in your shoes and I HATE it when the system steps all over us "little guys" and gals!

Picture yourself...walking out of court, smiling and happy because you didn't have to pay a single dime!

Well, that's going to be YOU when you order "SPEED TICKET BUSTER!" And with my 100% money back guarantee, the risk is all on me! Order now, and decide when you get the course!

ACT NOW, supplies are limited...when we run out, we run out!

Wishing you the best of success,

Howard Letterman & Speed Ticket Buster HC Lim

P.S. Does it scare you to think about fighting a speeding ticket? It shouldn't...I've done it, and so have tens of thousands of other people. And you can, too, if you ACT NOW and order "SPEED TICKET BUSTER."

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